Our popular hands-on Little Bang Discovery Club is now available online for you to view at home any time.
Mini scientists, get ready to explore the wonders of science with the Little Bang Discovery Club at home. Follow along online and conduct experiments using everyday objects and genuine scientific enquiry methods.
Suitable for kids aged 3 to 6 years old.
To get started with Little Bang Discovery – On Demand, we recommend building your own Discovery Box containing the above items, which you will use during each session.
There may be additional special items needed for some activities.
Just like scientists, kids love to collect things, to sort and arrange them to see what makes them different or the same. In Session 1 you will learn how to do it.
Session 1 printable handout: Collect at Home
How can you tell two things weigh the same if you don’t have scales? How many times should you measure to make sure something is the right measurement? Learn all about it in session 2.
Session 2 printable handout: Measure at Home
Scientists love to test their ideas over and over again to make sure the results are correct. In session 3, learn how to do that yourself.
Session 3 printable handout: Experiment at Home
Scientists also love to share the results of their experiments to see if they are the same as everyone else. A Science Fair is one way of doing this.
Session 4 printable handout: Equipment List