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Printing is unavailable at Ballarat Library until further notice. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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An older female looks over an older male's shoulder. they are both smiling and looking at the screen of an iPad.

Tech Hub

We host a range of programs to help you with the technology in your life.

How do I book into a program?

Call (03) 5338 6850 or book online using the links below.

Tech Q&As

Build your digital skills in a 30 minute session where you can ask any questions about using your laptop, tablet, smartphone or the internet.

Please note: we are unable to help with financial, legal, public housing, citizenship, or immigration forms.

Tech Q&A locationMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Ballarat LibraryBallarat LibraryBallarat Library
Sebastopol LibrarySebastopol Library
Wendouree LibraryWendouree Library

Digital Forms and Services Assistance

Book in for a 45 minute session at Ballarat Library and get assistance completing online forms and applications, including myGov, Services Victoria, passports and more.

Please note: we are unable to help with financial, public housing, citizenship, or immigration forms.

Tech Café

Tech Café is a monthly program offering a range of technology-related and digital learning presentations, hosted in collaboration with community partners. Participants are invited to share their own technology experiences, learning and questions in an informal social atmosphere. 

Thursday 13 MarchServices Australia – myGov
Thursday 10 AprilDigital Legacy
Thursday 8 MayPhotos in Order – Decluttering your Digital Photos


iClub is an informal club for Apple users to learn more about the features and functions of various Apple products, including iPhones and iPads. Bring along your device and enjoy a fun group session.

Thursday 20 MarchAccessibility Settings
Thursday 17 AprilListening to Podcasts
Thursday 15 MayUsing the Camera

Learn online

Be Connected

Build your digital skills, confidence and safety online with Be Connected free learning content and computer classes, featuring hundreds of free online courses.

eSafety Commissioner

Stay safe online. Access eSafety resources and news.

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LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is a premium online learning platform with thousands of hours of video training courses.

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Maker Space

Unleash your inner maker by joining our new Maker Space, located at Ballarat Library.